Car Tires

Wim Delvoye, Belgian artist made a series of attractive things by hand-carving intricate patterns and floral motifs on used car tires. Through his manipulation of found objects, Delvoye change things that seem practical in everyday life into sculptural pieces that carry a unusual value from their original intended purpose. Delvoye calls his own approach to art ‘glocal’, referring to ‘local’ and ‘global’, which is his own ironical way of describing art.

Car Tires

Car Tires

Car Tires

Car Tires

Car Tires

Car Tires

Car Tires

Car Tires

Used super cars 2012

used super cars

used super cars

used super cars

used super cars

used super cars

used super cars

used super cars

used super cars

used super cars

used super cars

used super cars

used super cars

used super cars

used super cars

used super cars

used super cars

used super cars

used super cars

used super cars

used super cars

New sports cars

Super luxury cars

Super luxury cars

Super luxury carsSuper luxury cars Super luxury cars Super luxury cars Super luxury cars

Wallpapers de Carros Tunados

wallpaper de carros tunados papel de parede de carros tuning

Wallpapers de Carros Tunados

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wallpaper de carros tunados papel de parede de carros tuning

wallpaper de carros tunados papel de parede de carros tuning

wallpaper de carros tunados papel de parede de carros tuning

wallpaper de carros tunados papel de parede de carros tuning

wallpaper de carros tunados papel de parede de carros tuning
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